Friday, December 21, 2012

Before the Plague...

 Dear faithful blog readers,

If you are wondering what has happened to us this past month it is that a plague (the flu) struck our house and not much has happened since.  Here is a recap of the day before the plague hit:

Our Aunt Elizabeth, Aunt Erin, and Uncle Joel came down for a visit from the mountains.  The boys were so excited to see them and we all had a wonderful, although brief, visit.  Everybody came to our house and we ate hamburgers for a simple meal.  Of course the boys were dying to open up presents next.  We managed to have some dessert and then the present opening began!

Maverick got some trucks and books.

Brighton got a spiderman plane and a board game.

Chandler got a Tom & Jerry DVD and new PJs.  Our whole family got hand-knitted hats from Erin and Elizabeth.  I'm sorry I don't have a picture to share.  We've already been enjoying them (when we've been brave enough/well enough to venture outside)

A fun time was had by all.  Little did I know that during the night I would start running a fever that was ultimately the flu.  Not fun times up ahead for sure...

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