Friday, December 7, 2012

Holiday Express

Today we took the boys to Pullen Park for the annual Holiday Express.  We had a good time even if at some point each boy was crying over something.  That's pretty typical.

Maverick still wanted nothing to do with Santa.  That means I was in the picture with him and this is the only one where he's not crying because as you can see, he's running away at this point.  Chandler told Santa he wanted a skateboard and Brighton said a zipline, a fish, and a scooter.  His list changes daily and can be whatever he's recently thought of.

After Santa, we rode the carousel and the entire family fit on the "Sled"

After the carousel we let the boys play on the playground and then we had our picnic dinner from Subway.  Next we waited in line for the Santa train.  It was probably a 15 minute or less wait which felt like an eternity to Chandler who was "bored".  

After our train ride we had luke warm "hot chocolate" since we don't have a proper thermos and Derek's bike insulated bottles just don't keep things hot like they keep things cold.  I had also brought some cookies from home to have and the hot chocolate and cookies were Brighton's favorite thing.  Go figure--that boy loves to eat!  Can't wait to do it again next year with FOUR!

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