Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Brighton Graduates Preschool!

Two down, two to go.  As what seems to be a growing trend in our family, Dad was away on a business trip for Brighton's graduation. (He was in Vegas for Chandler's)

Since I was still in "recovery-mode" from all our Disney fun, I was not up for attending Brighton's graduation with the little ones in tow.  I hired a babysitter!  I'm so glad I did.  I was actually able to watch the graduation and slide show, take a few pictures, oh...and did I mention hold up my phone the entire time so Dad could watch via FaceTime.  Yes, I'm such a good wife, I know!

Brighton is one of the bigger ones in his class.  Not sure if he's just tall, or the fact that he's pushing six.  He's on the back row, furthest to the right.  

Brighton's teacher's, Ms. Stephanie & Ms. Angie

I was able to snap a class picture right after graduation and before heading in to the fellowship hall for cake and lemonade.  Brighton has really enjoyed his preschool years at PGUMC and I know we'll miss the closeness and small-feel of this class.  He has known most of these kids for the past 3 years. Because of the snow make up days, he actually had one more day of school after graduation.  When I picked him up on the last day, all his friends were hugging on him and saying goodbye, and it made me tear up a bit.  Brighton got in the car and I pointed out how I saw how all his friends were going to miss him.  He agreed, and told me that somebody gave him a kiss!  Funny thing is, he didn't know who it was!  Yes, there were that many friends gathered around him all at once, hugging and loving on him.  It was precious!

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