Thursday, May 15, 2014

Sea World

I won't get into the politics of Sea World here.

Our family finally made it to Florida as it seems like everybody we know has already been with their kids twice (or more!)  Derek had to be in Orlando for business, so it finally made sense for us financially to join him on one of his trips.  It was nice to get to spend some time with Daddy before we had to come home and he stayed in Florida for 5 more days.

Too bad that I had to drive home by myself (my mom thankfully rode with me, and my Dad followed behind).  Just incase I forget what the drive was like, please remind me that I shouldn't do that again.  The big boys weren't too bad, but Jamison (and who can blame him) cried more than 1/2 of the time from 8 a.m. till 6:30 p.m. when we finally got home.  I pretty much figured that would be the case and was dreading the return trip, so I tried not to think about it and enjoyed our time in Florida.

Our first stop was Sea World.

We choose Sea World on this day because of all the days we were in Florida this day was supposed to be the worst (weather-wise) and I certainly didn't want a bad weather day while at Disney.  It actually turned out to be okay.  It was unusually hot for May and thunderstorms took over about 2:30 p.m.

All of the boys (and me too) loved the dolphin show.  Jamison did too, but only when the dolphins were actually jumping and flipping.  He could care less about the "story" they were trying to tell with dancers and other things to look at.  He was slightly interested in the parrots that they had fly over the arena, but mostly he just wanted to get out of my lap and run away.  Kinda frustrating that I had to narrate the entire show, "Look at the dolphins!  See them jumping?  Look at them swimming!  Oh!  See them jump!  Oh!  Look at that one!  He made a big splash!  Oh!  Look over there!  Did you see that Dolphin?"  Repeat, repeat, repeat.  But, Hey....that's what you have to do with a one year old.

Here's Jamison and me at the Shamu show.  He was slightly happier at this show because we sat in a section that was right over an entrance so he could walk up and down the aisle without bothering anybody (and climbing over) the people in front of us (because there were none).  

During the Shamu show, it was much like the dolphin show except I inserted the world "whale" instead of dolphin, "Look at the whales!  See them jumping?  Look at them swimming!  Oh!  See them jump!  Oh!  Look at that one!  He made a big splash!  Oh!  Look over there!  Did you see that whale?"  Repeat, repeat, repeat.  

They also had some rides at Sea World which all the boys (except Jamison) were excited to go on.  Maverick is very tall for his age, and fearless, so he did great on rides that were meant for older kids.  

We waited what seemed like forever to ride this Shamu roller coaster.  We were the LAST ones to ride it before the park started shutting down due to thunderstorms.  I was so glad we got to ride because after waiting in that line I would have still been hearing whining if we didn't make it on.  

We had a wonderful time at Sea World and we'd love to go back.  The boys also enjoyed the dolphin nursery and petting the sting rays.  The dolphin/whale shows ranked right up there with Disney, if not higher, so it was definitely a hit!

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