Friday, April 3, 2015

Chandler turns Eight & Jamison turns TWO

Say it isn't baby is TWO!

Clearly not a baby anymore, but I'll continue to call him that until he protests.  Such a cutie pie!
Jamison Stats:
Weight: 27 lbs, 5 oz (56%)
Height: 34" (31%)
Head: 51 cm (98%)

Since it was Good Friday, the little 2 had off and were my "helpers" for the 4 dozen cupcakes I needed to make for the following day.  Yes, it goes much quicker without any "help" but they had so much fun, so I just let them join in and tried to relax and go with the flow.

Later that afternoon, we headed to Chandler's classroom for his walk around the sun.  While carrying the earth, he takes a trip around a sun that has a candle behind it, to represent each year of his life.  He (and sometimes with help) talks about each year of his life; what he did, liked to do, etc.... 

I love that his classroom does this.  It's not all about your rigid learning experiences, rather to learn and grow and celebrate life.  The birthday child also gets to bring in a special treat for the class if they would like.  Chandler selected frosted cookies that we also had for his party the following day.  

All of Chandler's brothers were there (we pulled Brighton out of his class by request) and of course they were all doted on by Chandler's classmates.  Jamison was definitely a hit with all the friends.  After we headed home, the boys were surprised with cupcakes left on our doorstep by the Sauls!  How sweet!  Since it was 1/2 of the kiddos' birthdays I said, "Sure, why not eat one now!"

Not ten minutes later, our neighbor walked over with freshly baked, warm chocolate chip cookies.  Straight from the oven.  I couldn't resist!  The boys had those too.  All except Jamison who was already stuffed by this point!

It was finally time for the Birthday Dinner!  Chandler requested ribs and Jamison would want Mac'N'Cheese, so we had those along with some broccoli.  I was able to go on line and fine another Birthday plate that I purchased more that 11 years ago made by the same company.  They no longer sell anything in NC, but good old e-bay to the rescue.  One drawback of kiddos with the same birthday is that they can't share everything.  Of course Chandler noticed we got a new plate right away and I'm sure he was happy he and Jamison didn't have to share!

Cupcakes for my sweet boys.  Jamison wanted chocolate, and Chandler vanilla.

Chandler is getting so big.  I can't believe I have an 8-year-old already.  I can't remember Chandler's stats, but I'm thinking he was 50+ lbs.  Apparently you no longer get a sheet at the pediatrician for your 8-year-old!  Chandler is in 2nd grade and does well at school.  He really excels at reading and doesn't care for math much.  After Spring conferences with his teacher we will work on memorizing multiplication tables this summer.  I remember really struggling with that too (still not good at it!).  His cursive penmanship has really improved this year.  I'm so glad his school still teaches it, as it is a lost art.  Chandler loves all sports and being outside.  He is still enjoying the swim team and that will be wrapping up this month.  Chandler is so kind and caring and generally such a helper to me around the house, although he can complain about chores sometimes.  

We love you both, my Birthday Buddies!

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