Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Another ER visit

Oh No!!  The ER!

Not sure how it happened, but tonight, Jamison fell and bit his tongue.  Bad.

It was so bad and bleeding so much that we could hardly see all the different cuts of the tongue.  We just knew it was bad and that we needed to get it stitched.

Mommy quickly rushed out the door after calling Granddaddy Bob (and Mimi) to meet us at the house.  I was hoping they could come and watch the boys so Derek could come with me, but there was so much blood, I left before they could get here and called them en route and asked them to meet me.  We first headed to a local urgent care who quickly told us to go to the ER as they had a 2-hour wait.  Looking back it was probably that they weren't equipped to handle the situation.  After another (closed) urgent care and a call to the pediatrician we were off to the ER.

We were quickly seen at the ER because when you are bleeding and you are two that bumps you to the front of the line.  The doctors were not sure if they would try and stitch the tongue or not.  That procedure would cause MUCH more blood loss and also require sedation, so after 2 doctors and the ENT specialist, they opted not to stitch.  Surprised me for sure.  

A few days later you can see the extensive damage caused by the bite and then subsequent rupture of the tongue.  Let's just say eating, drinking, and taking medicine have been a challenge these past few weeks.  Three weeks later we are almost healed and for the past week and a half we've been eating solids and other normal stuff.  I'm expecting there will always be a scar and a story for this one.  Hopefully it won't affect anything else.  No more ER visits please, Jamison!

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