Tuesday, April 8, 2008

My Stats

Here are my official 1 Year Stats:

Weight: 21 lbs, 11 oz (35 %)
Length: 30 in (55 %)
Head: 47 cm (60 %)

As you can see, I'm tall and skinny like my dad. Everything went well at my check-up. Mom declined the chicken pox shot, so that's one less I had to take. THANKS MOM! The doctor was a little concerned that I'm not mobile yet, so he has suggested some physical therapy to strengthen my legs. Mom's not sure what exactly they will do for me, but I have an evaluation in 2 weeks, so I'll let you know. At one year old I'm doing more signing than talking (only ma-ma, da-da) and I have 12 teeth! I also tried cow's milk for the first time yesterday. There's a lot of changes going on for me right now! They tell me that I get to face forward in my carseat now. I'll let you know if it happens...

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