Friday, December 31, 2010

Winter Wonderland!

The day after Christmas we woke up to about 7 inches of snow. That's certainly a lot for this area and especially in December. The boys were super excited. Just before Christmas I had purchased new water-proof mittens for the boys at Walmart. They were the only things I could find last minute, so they would have to do. Chandler did okay with them, but Brighton was not a fan and would keep pulling them off and then cry because his hands got cold. Brighton did best if we distracted him from eating snow (which he could do all day) by pulling him on the sled.

Here's Chandler eating snow. Why do kids like to do this so much??
Chandler, Brighton, and Maverick gave me a Flip for Christmas. I was super excited and wasn't expecting it at all. I took a few videos of the boys sledding and also building a small snowman. When I figure out how to add the videos to the blog I'll post one here.

1 comment:

Denise said...

VERY nice! I've been eying those Flips!