Thursday, September 19, 2013

Front Row Seats

We have not been up to much lately.

I feel like most days I cook, clean up the mess, and do laundry.

A highlight of our day is when we time Chandler's carpool trip to include front row seat for this:

Yes, I could have gunned it and made it under the flashing gates....but why risk it?  Sometimes I don't understand why people will actually idle their car on the tracks waiting for the light to turn green.  Ummm...hello!?!?  You will not win in a battle with a train.  GET OFF THE TRACKS!!!

Plus the boys are super excited to see and hear the train this close.  Man, was this a long one!  Probably the longest that we've seen ever.  It probably had 50 or more cars!

In other news, Jamison is now a paid infant researcher at Duke.  Yes, he has joined the ranks of all his big bros and is now pulling in the big bucks and contributing to world-wide research that is concurrently happening in Japan.  Plus, he looks super cute in his hat!

Hopefully concurrently is not a word that falls into the category of words that my husband claims I use. He says that I use words (that although they are actual words in a dictionary, slang or otherwise) that nobody else uses these words.  Readers, please chime in.  Do you use:

1. Ralph

I'm thinking about getting him a word-of-the-day calendar.  

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