Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Jamison 15-16 Month Update

Jamison is quickly leaving baby-hood behind and marching towards toddler-land.

15 Month Stats
Weight: 22 lbs, 6 oz (48%)
Length: 30.5" (25%)
Head: 49.15 cm (96%)

At 15 months, Jamison was still nursing twice a day.  At 16 months, we are only nursing in the morning.  He likes to hold his binky and his lovey (one in each hand) while he nurses.  Neither one of us seems to be rushing to end this, so I cannot say when he'll be weaned.  He is not a fan of whole milk, so that certainly isn't helping.  I'd like to start limiting the binky to only crib use, but it's so much easier to just give him one.  Maybe next month we'll work on that...On the eating front, he is still a great eater, although he can be very particular about what he wants on a certain day.  He will definitely throw anything he doesn't care for at the time on the floor or worse, right at you!

Jamison is a climber!  He will push anything that will help him reach something better so that he can climb.  I'm surprised he hasn't gotten hurt yet because every time I turn around, he is on the kitchen table.  We knew from 13 months on, that he could climb ladders, but this is new.

Jamison still does not have a lot of words, but will say them or repeat things when you ask.  I really need to start signing to him more because he picks that up right away.  We have been taking infant survival swimming lessons since late June.  I haven't posted on that yet (against the rules) but hope to soon.  Jamison takes a 2 hour nap and sleeps about 11.5-12 hours each night (7:30-7:30).

He loves to have books read to him and give lip-kisses.  Playing outside is still an all-time favorite.  He loves his cozy-coupe Police car and running toward the street (or anywhere else he shouldn't be).  Next month, he will start attending a Mother's Morning Out.  Hopefully he will adjust well to it.  Mondays will be Jamison and Mommy days.  We plan to take gymnastics and do many other fun things together!  

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