Sunday, June 5, 2011

Baptism Day!

Today we baptized Maverick. We normally attend the 11 o'clock service at our church, but attended the 8:30 a.m. service today since it was graduation recognition Sunday and we couldn't fit it all into one service. Maverick normally sleeps till 8:30 or 9 a.m. so of course, waking him up early meant he was ready for a nap right about the time he got baptized. Sleepy baby = crying baby. Oh well....
Here's Pastor Jay holding him just after he was Baptized. He made some joke about forgiving Maverick for embarrassing the preacher and quickly handed him back to me.

Here's the whole family gathered for a picture. Obviously it was taken quickly and not much thought was taken into making sure you could see everybody. I wasn't in charge of that.
Luckily with Derek back behind the camera we were able to get some more shots outside. I love this one of my three boys with their Godparents, Erin & Joel. We had a great day and are so happy that our family could be here for this important occasion.

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