Sunday, August 7, 2011

The Good News...

Derek and I are trying to raise our boys to know Christ and we take advantage of many opportunities that are given us to teach our boys about God and Jesus. When we have the chance to have some fun at the same time that's even better. This fall, both boys will participate in AWANA, and they have already been to VBS this summer. Coming on Saturday, August 27th there will be another fun thing for the boys to do where they can also hear and see positive Christian messages. We have been to this event since 2008 and it's a lot of fun.

The organization that runs this event hands out information and even has a mailbox club that will send the children Bible lessons in the mail. Chandler has been doing these lessons for a little more than a year now and he really enjoys them. His last lesson really spoke to me and the timing of it is definitely from God. I think this lesson actually came in the mail close to the time of my grandmother's death. It has sat in my to-do pile ever since, unopened. Well, I finally opened it and here's (part) of what it said:

God's Beautiful Home
"Hurry, children, " said Mother. "We are going to visit Grandmother. She has been sick." Ken and Amy were excited, and soon they were on their way. "I hope Grandmother gets well soon," Amy said. "She always tells up wonderful stories about Jesus." When they arrived at Grandmother's house, she looked very pale, but she smiled when she saw Ken and Amy.

"I am so glad you came to see me," said Grandmother. "I have missed you." "Oh, Grandma," said Amy, "We are so sorry that you have been sick." "We love you so much," said Ken. "And we want you to get well soon." "I want to get well too," said Grandmother. "But I cannot be sure that I will. You know I am getting very old."

Ken and Amy were quiet as they thought about what Grandmother had said. "But what if you die, Grandma?" asked Amy. "I am not afraid to die," said Grandmother. "I took the Lord Jesus as my Savior when I was just five years old. I have known and loved the Lord Jesus ever since. I am looking forward very much to being with Him in Heaven."


And the story continues.

This simple story intended to teach children about asking Jesus into your heart and about Heaven has provided so much comfort to me. This is almost exactly the same conversation that I had with my own grandmother. I know she is in Heaven now and very happy. I still miss her terribly though.
The good news is that I have so many memories of her and my Granddaddy and they were excellent examples of how to live your life for Christ.

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