Wednesday, March 27, 2013

The Full Moon

39 Weeks!
According to the Farmers' Almanac, the Full Moon occurred at 5:27 a.m. this morning.  I guess the moon failed to work it's magic on this baby.  This morning, Chandler woke up and told me that he had a dream that I would have the baby today and it was a girl.  Wouldn't that be wonderful?

Even though I have a week till my due date, I feel like I should have had the baby by now based on the fact my last two were so early, and everybody, including my midwives, said they thought this one would follow suit.  Ha!  This baby has their own agenda, obviously.  I'm just hoping they are born before 4/6 as this is when I have scheduled not one, but TWO birthday parties.  Scrambling at the last minute to reschedule these will not be my idea of fun.

Come out soon baby.  Today is a good day :)



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