Saturday, December 21, 2013

Finally, a Christmas Party!

The day finally arrived (one week ago today).  My husband finally had an office Christmas party!

Seems silly, but I've been looking forward to this since I was a little girl.

I saw my Mom & Dad get dressed up and go to my Dad's Christmas parties, back in the day when they (companies) still did that sort of thing, and I just knew that someday I would be married and get to have that same sort of fun too.  Well, it finally happened!  

It wasn't as glamorous as I envisioned, but fun all the same.  It was held at a co-worker's house and about 40 or so employees/spouses/children showed up.  

I knew that the party would be no fun at all if I had to constantly be tending to my "brood" so we opted to leave the big three home with Grandma and somehow the stars aligned and Jamison took a very late 3rd nap, which we woke him up from at 6 p.m. and scooted off to the party.  We managed to stay till about 8 p.m. which was past Jamie's bedtime and I didn't want to push my luck further with him.  He was such a GOOD boy at the party, and even went to other people 
so I could eat my food in peace.

It was nice to meet some of Derek's co-workers and also his boss, who happened to show up.  Derek works with some very nice people.  We had a great time and I hear that my banana pudding was gone before the night was up.  They also played a white elephant game in which Derek's boss filled in for us and we came home with some chocolates.  

Here's hoping they keep up the tradition.  Who doesn't love a party?

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