Wednesday, February 20, 2013

21 Days and Counting...

Wow!  34 weeks today!  That means I have 21 days until I'm "full term".  Anytime after that date is fine with me (do you hear me, baby?)

That also means Mommy Daddy needs to get started on the "nesting" activities that I cannot do myself.  

So last night we finally starting reading the library we have accumulated of books to prepare siblings for the new baby.  I still think that C & B think I'm having a two-year-old, because they refer to the baby as Maverick's baby friend.

Another thing that I wanted to get done before the new baby comes is to get our resident baby (Maverick) to give up his Me-Meat (binky)

I think Derek was more hesitant to do this than I was because he knew he'd be dealing with the majority of crying (if any) that came during the night.  Being pregnant, I get to bypass night-time duties for the most part.  We let Maverick have his binky for one final naptime on Friday, 2/8.

Here he is waking up for the last time with his binky.

Derek thought that having Maverick throw a binky in the trash would help him understand that there were no more binkies.  The jury is still out on whether this technique helped any at all.

Anyways, before bed, he threw away a binky and was so quick that I had to take another picture to show it in the trash.

Binky in the trash:

Overall, the transition away from the binky went very well.  There was some crying (about 1 hour) on the first night and some shortened naps for the next few days, but we seem to be over the hump and binky free.  Hooray!

 So here I am at 34 weeks!

Here are some other things that are on the to-do list:

  1. Install Carseat in Car
  2. Pack bag for birthing center
  3. Buy Birth Day cake for baby # 4
  4. Get baby paraphernalia down from attic (Boppy, bouncer seat, snuggle nest, swing, clothes, blankets, probably more stuff I'm forgetting...)
  5. Keep practicing hypnobabies
  6. Get everybody (but me) a haircut
  7. Try to relax and enjoy these last days as a family of five!

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