Sunday, July 10, 2011

Beach Re-Cap

So here are some more pictures from our last day at the beach. It was very overcast, but the pictures look "misty" because Derek's camera lens was fogged up when we first got to the beach. Brighton had a blast digging holes and making piles of sand.

Grandaddy Bob and Mimi took a walk on the beach and then Granddaddy went in the ocean with Chandler and had races back to the shore. Brighton and Daddy soon joined in the fun.

Meanwhile, this is what I spent most of my time doing:

If you can't tell, I'm sitting in a chair and Maverick is snuggled up sleeping in the K'tan. At least I did get to put my feet in (the ocean). Maybe next year, I'll actually get to swim in it! That's the life of a mom, others first and yourself last. That's okay though. Maverick did wake up happy and we were able to get this shot of his first week at the beach:

Lastly, here's our family at Sunset Beach. We can't wait to go back!!

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