Thursday, March 24, 2011

One week ago today....

One week ago today was SAINT PATRICK'S DAY!!

I had planned for Derek to take off so we could spend one last fun day as a family of four. Little did I know that it would really be our LAST day as a family of four! Our day was packed with activities. We started off by dropping off the van for an oil change and then we headed to NCSU's farm animal days. It was a lot of fun. We started out by holding baby chicks and polts. Here is Chandler holding a baby turkey (polt)

From there we moved onto the rabbits. Chandler said that his favorite was actually a Hare they had on display. He truly was beautiful. Brighton said he liked the white ones. They got to put a rabbit also.
Another fun thing we did was pretend to rope cattle. It was really hard to get the hang of. I'm not sure I could have done it. Chandler said this was one of his favorite things, but he had hoped the would get to practice with real cows.
The last thing we did before heading for our free icecream was stand in a VERY long line in order to climb up in a tractor. This was also a big hit with the boys. It's amazing to me that some parents are clueless when it comes to something like this. With 50 + people standing in line with kids that all want to get in the tractor, why would you let your kid sit in the tractor for more than a few minutes? Some kids were in there for almost 10 minutes!
After leaving the farm we headed to a park to enjoy a picnic lunch. What a great day!

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