Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Crazy Bee Lady

I'm going to be known as the Crazy Bee Lady because I'm now on a war-path to eliminate the ground bees in our yard. We have had this problem from 7 years (since we moved in) but it seems to keep getting worse each year. The bees mainly inhabit the grassy area on the other side of the sidewalk near the street, but they are creeping up our front hill and into the front yard. Here's a picture of one of these little buggers:
When I looked outside to check on the boys today I was horrified to see them running on the hill and the SWARMS of bees that were around them. I'm sure it was a little bit of my pregnancy craziness, but I immediately jumped into action and went and got some insecticide and started spraying like crazy. I'm hoping that it worked. I did see some dead bees on the ground after the killing spree stopped, so I'm hopeful :)

Here is what their lovely holes look like in the yard:
Now imagine about 1,000 or MORE of these stupid holes in a very small area. I wouldn't mind it so much if these holes weren't completely overtaking the front yard. There are tunnels underneath the holes, and walking in the front yard you'd think we had gophers or something. The bees usually are only active for about 6 weeks. I'm hoping to get them under control and at least get their numbers down from the thousands. We'll have to see if the first round of poison worked. Another strategy is to keep the ground soaked, but that seems like more work. Wish me luck!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Tell the neighbors to the left (not my side, the other side) to get rid of theirs. When I was there, that was where they were all coming from!