Monday, May 14, 2012


Poor little guy.  Yesterday (Actual Mother's Day) was rough.  He was very cranky and cried most of the day.  Today is pretty much the same.  If he's not eating or sleeping, he's crying.  The big boys had preschool and I ran to Target to get a few things and at 10 a.m. this was Maverick in the car.  He has long given up his morning nap, but if it would stop the cry-fest, I was all for it.  I left the doors open and he napped for about 20 more minutes before I decided to drive downtown to get a free birthday sandwich.  He stayed asleep and I got about 20 more minutes in him.  He was cranky for the rest of the day but of course, once Daddy got home he was all smiles.  I hope those molars come in soon!

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