Wednesday, May 16, 2012

The News that made my Birthday!

Today I am the big 3-0!  I'm not sure I feel very different yet.

Thanks for the cake, Diane!
Today was a pretty normal day, as days go.  Maverick was fussy, yet again, and the boys were fighting with each other this morning.  I had hoped to go to Brigg's for my free Birthday meal, but alas, it was not meant to be.  I had to work today and there was just too much to do.

Derek surprised me with a very nice Birthday gift that I'm still trying to decide if we should keep it.  I always think things are too expensive, but a gift is a gift, and he has been saving up for it for some time.  I should enjoy it, I think, but I still feel like it's not needed.

Well, I was at work when I got the very exciting news.  It certainly made me smile, and it turned my day around.

Don't jump to conclusions.  One, this is not a pregnancy test.  This is an ovulation test.  Yes, I'm ovulating, but once again....don't jump to conclusions.  I'm actually participating in yet another research study, and this is one of the tests they require.  I just thought this picture would be a great lead-in for my friend and pen-pal of 18+ years is PREGNANT.  I was over the moon happy for her!  She just turned 30 this past week and this will be her first.  She is a native of China, but has been here in the states since 2000.  We are going to go and visit her and her husband who recently moved from Ohio to Chicago this summer.  I was just thrilled to hear the wonderful news and can't wait to hug her in person.  It was definitely the news that made my birthday.  Congratulations, Dani!

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