Sunday, February 13, 2011

Fortune Cookie Traditions...

What is your fortune cookie tradition? Some people always add the words, " bed" to the end of their fortune. Some people just read them as is. Other people (like Brighton) eat them before anybody realizes what has happened....Oops!

Anyways, in my family I always like to say what the fortune is about before opening it. I can remember doing this with my parents when I was around ten years old and they had just purchased a piece of land at a lake where they thought they might build a house one day. All of our fortunes made it seem like the land purchase was wise investment, and it was, even if that dream house never came to fruition.
Well, tonight we were treated to a dinner out by Grandma. An early day Valentine's gift I suppose. After the meal was finished, I declared my fortune was about the car-ride to the birthing center (on birth day of course!)

Here's my fortune:

Avert misunderstanding by calm, poise, and balance.

I'm going to take this as a good one.....what do you think?!?

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